Maptoolkit / Bikemap 2013-14
Maptoolkit was the framework underlying the Bikemap app that I was responsible for at the software house Toursprung along with Felix Krause.
- I created a modular architecture using private cocoapods. Modules included Tracking, Authentication, Points of Interest Uploading, Routes Rendering, Route Recording, etc…
- The app and framework were compiled, tested, archived, and uploaded to Testflight automatically on every commit to the main branch by a Jenkins CI setup.
- The project was distributed as a binary framework for use by SDK customers.
- Apple Frameworks used:
- CoreData
- CoreLocation
- ExternalAccessory
- Accounts
- Social
- AssetsLibrary
- AVFoundation
- CoreMedia
- CoreTelephony
- OpenGLES
- QuartzCore
- CoreText
- MessageUI
- CoreImage
- CoreGraphics
- CoreBluetooth
Technical Details
Technology: Objective-C, CocoaPods, Ruby, JSON, Jenkins